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Learn how to teach any skill via a game
Catch all the presentations in our Classroom!
We'll bring you:
- from the archives: Valerio Iani's 2023 talk, to remind us what games-based learning can bring to the party.
- walk through a games-based session, and come away with examples of how to create games for the skills you're trying to teach, with Melissa Witmer
- reinforce how to-gamify-any-skill in an AMA with Valerio Iani
- Get past any initial bumps, via shared-stories with Melissa Witmer and Eze Garcia


The UAP Coaching Conference is an all-virtual conference that brings you the world’s best ultimate coaches for info-packed presentations and discussion.
It gives you unprecedented access to elite coaches and their knowledge and experience. The UAP Coaching Conference is your chance to learn how these world-renown players and coaches achieved their success and how you can too.
Tune in to catch these presentations and learn how to become a better coach.
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Get insight from the best coaches in the world and help shape the future of ultimate.
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Become An Elite-Level Coach
The UAP Coaching Conference is hands-down the most effective way to improve as a coach and lead your team to victory. The amount of unique insight and experience you’re exposed to is impossible to get elsewhere.

Join the Community
Get access to the presenters to pick their brains with special Q&A sessions to translate their principles to your game. Interact with presenters and participants from around the world on various social platforms throughout the conference.

Shape the Future of Ultimate
These are the talks that you—our ulty community—voted on. Our presenters have chosen topics based on your interests to push your coaching game to the next level.
If you want to seriously upgrade your coaching ability, we’ve created UAP Coaching and Game IQ for people like you. For the best tips and instruction on becoming a better coach, there’s no better resource than UAP Coaching and Game IQ.
Cathy Chu, Oakville, Canada - Trail Mix
“I look forward to the conference every year. I have learned practical tips I can start working on now and strategies to watch for in games and tournaments. Bringing ultimate players and coaches from around the world to share their experience and knowledge is so valuable. Thank you very much for this conference!”
Jesse Lee, Lawrence, KS, USA - Horrorzontals
"This was a great experience, I'm a new assistant coach and there's so much to learn, and [UAP Coaching and Game IQ] helps build a solid foundation for coaches and players alike.”

Mykyta Kornieiev, Zaporizhzhya, UKR - ZNU Panthers & High Hopes
"The conference was a beacon in the night for a rookie coach such as myself. I learned valuable lessons about tactics, physics, mental health and spirit, and how to present all of that to the college team I currently co-coach. Every aspect I need to know as a coach was addressed in a simple, pragmatic, laconic way. UAP Coaching & Game IQ is making a massive impact.”
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