How to reach us

Hi!Ā  We work on various timezones spread across the world.Ā  If you have something you need addressing right now, then please drop us a message using the form below, that will magic its way straight into our company slack.Ā  If you have something less urgent then you can use our emails or our socialsĀ (both of which are listed below).

To email, then any of yourĀ theUAP team can be reached at theirĀ <person>Ā @theuap.comĀ email...

Go here if you'd like to manage your email subscriptions.

  • melissa
  • for: Content or Sales
  • current TZ: Eastern
  • contact or eze
  • for: anything to do with managing your account
  • current TZ: Eastern
  • oliver
  • for: product - anything to do with the site or the mobile app, something not working, something you'd love to see added?  That's me :)
  • current TZ: GMT

To reach us on our socials...