Why we support the Eurostars Tour

(photo credit: Paul Rutherford of UltiPhotos)
When I was young I wanted to be a scientist. That’s what I said when people asked what I wanted to be when I grew up. And when I pictured what I would look like when I grew up, it always came up in my mind’s eye as a white haired dude in front of a blackboard.
I no longer want to be a scientist and I’m more than thrilled with my current career choice. But along the way I learned that it’s difficult to be what you can’t see.
We support the Eurostars tour because we support increased visibility of women in Ultimate. Visibility is important because we want role models available that girls can more easily identify with.
I’ve been asked if there aren’t better places to put our resources, like clinics to improve skills. Clinics for boys and girls run by both men and women are important. There is absolutely a place for those activities. There is also a place for supporting equity in visibility. Supporting gender equity requires a variety of tactics. Visibility being just one.
More that that - visibility comes first. Name recognition is an important factor in encouraging players to attend Ultimate clinics and improve their game. Many of us in the ultimate community will have been to or heard about clinics that included NexGen players and other well known male players. Name recognition undeniably drives attendance at these types of events.
I want to see players as excited to attend clinics with Jenny Fey and Bex Forth as they are to attend clinics with Jimmy Mickle and Kurt Gibson. Well produced highlight reels and game coverage are crucial for building the audience these players deserve.
The Eurostars v Brute Squad game already has over 25,000 views. I hope these games inspire girls and women in Europe who are new to the sport more clearly see their own potential. As the Eurostars show, players from anywhere with the desire to push themselves can succeed in playing at the highest level.
Great use of space by the Eurostars in the Brute Squad game and nice to see their deep game on fire. I want to have hucks like Annika Lindqvist when I grow up!
Check out all the action on the Eurostars video page. Eurostars v. Riot tomorrow plus five more games now through August 2nd!