What you can expect from this type of training…

A Few Client Stories...
What Makes our Process Different?
Watching YouTube videos and reading analysis might give you an intellectual understanding of how to play ultimate. We focus on your embodied understanding of ultimate. Because it's not what you know it's what you DO on the field that counts!
To perform like and elite player, you need to think like an elite player. This is what we help you do.

Are you Ready to Become the Ultimate Player You’ve Always Wanted to Be?
Look, an ultimate frisbee career is short. I want you to enjoy it to the fullest in whatever time you have available.
Nobody is paying you to play frisbee (or at least not very much). You do this because you love it. I want you to get as much from ultimate as you put into it. And that’s what this program is really about.
Let’s take your ultimate career where YOU want it to go. And in the most efficient way possible.
We’re opening this program for just a short time to no more than 50 members.
Let’s get started!